One of the best meals I have ever had in my life:
Kelly's CrabsI don't know what the season for crab is in Oregon.
Kelly's is not far from a great campground:
Nehalem Bay CGIf you are planning to hike in the mountains of Washington and Oregon, I would tilt toward Sept., rather than May. There may still be snow in May at the higher elevations, and the huckleberries and wild mountain blackberries are ripe in September.
If you go berry picking in the Mt. Baker/Mt. Shuksan area, wear old pants. The berries grow close to the ground, so you have to sit down to pick them. And there are so many berry bushes that your pants will get stained when you sit down. I told my poor wife that she looked like a carton of yogurt:
"Because you have fruit on the bottom!"

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