Tom/Barb wrote:
Every one is all about Oregon, Washington is prettier, and less crowded, and the weather is better. :)
Any time is OK with us, but keep Washington green, bring money :)
Things to see:
Boeing tour, (Everett) Seattle city light dam tour, (Newhalem), North cross Cascade highway, (Route 20) Grand Coolie Dam, Mt. St.Hellens, the list could go on for ever.
Very seldom is there a camp ground shortage summer or not.
Leave your swim gear at home bring hiking boots and gear. thousands of miles of the best hiking trails in the lower 48. Trout and salmon fishing in season, Silvers are running now.
Second thought, naw go to Oregon. :)
bikendan wrote:
Tom/Barb wrote:
Every one is all about Oregon, Washington is prettier, and less crowded, and the weather is better. :)
Oregon has much better beaches.
Well having grown up in Washington, we did camp in both. Once we got a camper, we spent more time on the Oregon Coast!
Something to think about, we have done this staying at hotels, before getting back into an RV, was a Dam Wine tour of the Columbia River. Bonneville to Grand Coulee, spending time at the different dams and winery's. :)