PawPaw_n_Gram wrote:
goducks10 wrote:
How many people use the showers and restrooms at parks?
How many use the visitor center?
I know one St park in Oregon you have to go into a registration building vs a kiosk to register.
Yes those risk factors could easily be alleviated by closing the restrooms, and doing self registration.
But you still need someone doing cleanup and maintenance.
We've volunteered at some state parks, and I know of no state park system that has the staffing to do the deep cleaning such public places need to have done possibly several times a day depending upon the local number of cases.
A highly mobile population moving every few days, a nightmare for trying to contain the spread of anything.
Just see how hard it is to keep people from moving firewood, and infecting trees with invasive species.
Anyone hear of zebra mussels 20 years ago?
Anyone know of a watershed in between the Allegheny and Rocky Mountains not infested with them today?
I can see many valid reasons to close parks.
Don't like it.
Commercial parks are even more at risk because of crowding together necessary to stay profitable. And I've seen nothing that would help park owners deal with financial loss from closing or people canceling.
Here's what Oregon State Parks is doing.