Old-Biscuit wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
Half off is only as valuable as what you could buy a similar product or service for elsewhere. If the Passport park lists the regular price as $40, you get it for $20.00. If another park is $35.00 and offers 10 percent discount for KOA, Good Sam, AARP etc. you pay $31.50, so you are saving $11.50, not really $20.00. Then if that Passport park is 5 miles further out, you have spent $3.00 or so additional in fuel. Now you are saving $8.50. If there are less amenities or the park is somewhat substandard compared to the other park, is $8.50 savings worth it? To some, yes. To others, No.
On top of that, you have to take into consideration the restrictions. Other threads on this subject have had posts where people have run into Passport parks only offering their least desirable sites at PPA rates. Some Passport parks charge extra for things like 50 Amp service.
You often do not save a net 50 percent at a Passport America park. It is really no different than going to a car dealer and having them tell you are saving $10,000 because the sticker on the car lists a "convenience group discount" for getting a car with power windows, power locks, power seats, windshield wipers and cruise control. The sticker says that purchased separately, those items would be $7000, but you are "only" paying $2000 by getting this package, therefore you are getting a $5000.00 discount. Then they add in the factory rebate of $3000 and tell you that the 2.9 percent finance rate somehow is a $2000 benefit and Viola, you have that $10,000 discount and you are still paying sticker price.
I take it you are NOT a PassPort America Affiliate CG based on your 'sales pitch'
IF I stay at a PA Affiliate RV Park then I save 50% for staying there.
I don't care what other CGs charge as I am not staying there so their rates do NOT impact my savings.
I just disagree. If Exxon is selling regular at $2.00 a gallon and Shell is $4.00 a gallon but you get a fifty percent discount for being a Shell frequent filler you didn't save $2.00 a gallon on gas. RV sites are close to being a commodity, parking in one site is pretty much the same as parking in another. Unless specific location or amenities are a big concern, the best price in the area is what you should compare your savings against. If that location or the amenities are a big concern, the odds are the PPA park isn't going to be your first choice anyway. (Most of them are not the top local park either location-wise or amenity-wise).