Forum Discussion

theoldwizard1's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 02, 2016

Possible snowbird next year.

I have been retired for awhile and now that the grandkids are in school, we are not as closely involved with them. I am getting sick of MI winters (lack of sun more than the cold or even the snow). FL would be our likely destination, hopefully near the west coast.

How do you find a place to stay ? Not set on FL, but the daytime high temps should be in the 60s in January-March.

Do most people head south in the late fall and return for Christmas (can't miss that) or just wait until after the new year.

Last, is 18-24' TT "big enough" for 2 people used to having their own space in a 1400 sq ft house ? I want to keep the size "reasonable" in case we want to take any long trips during the rest of the year.
  • Our progression:
    1. When the kids were all grown, we got a pop up and did a few weeks here and there and in Florida after Christmas.

    2. Then we bought a 19 footer and did the same , but caught in a snow storm one year going down

    3. So we moved our schedule to leaving before Christmas, ( all the kids and grand children came to our house for thanksgiving every year)

    4. Then one year they couldn't make it because we had a big snow storm at our house

    5, So we traded the 19 footer and got a 25 footer and started coming south before Thanksgiving

    6. We played the "Reserve America game" every year to get two week stays at a time in the Florida Keys

    7. That got real old after a while, so two years ago we bought our own RV lot

    8. this year we sold the 25 footer and got a 40 footer bunk house one which will stay permanently at our new site. We came down the first week in October

    9. And the kids and grandchildren are booking the weeks they will be staying with the first to arrive two days after Christmas.

    Life is good and we are happy campers and the commute coming down will be without towing a trailer ever again.

    jack L
    Jack L