JoeH wrote:
I no longer trust RVparkreviews due to their editing/censoring policies.
If you have actual evidence of RVParkReviews "editing/censoring" reviews other than to ask reviewers to tone down their rants and add other information about the park, I would be interested in seeing it.
In my experience the only people who get upset by our policies are those who can't understand why we won't publish their 500 word unedited diatribe about how badly they were treated at a particular park. Sending it back to them asking that they shorten the rant and, at the same time, provide some useful information about the park results in accusations of censorship.
In fact it's not censorship, it's what we call "maintaining a standard" for reviews. There are plenty of other review sites that don't do anything more than screen reviews for profanity; we try to do a bit more than that. We know many of our users appreciate it.