GMandJM wrote:
docj wrote:
However, if your comment results from observing the owners smoking a joint on their property then we would probably ask that the statement be removed since it doesn't describe the park itself and the actions of residents and employees aren't suitable material for a review unless they affect your stay there...
That is precisely the kind of stuff that I (and others) have taken issue with. Things such as questionable behaviors of owners and staff most definitely have an impact on my decision of whether to stay somewhere or pass it by.
And because we know that things like that get "sanitized" out, it makes RVPR a less-reliable, less honest, less valued resource.
If someone finds something is important enough to put in their review, there are likely others who would find it important enough know.
When you decline their review or require a someone to change what they've written, it probably makes the person submitting the review feel like the time they've taken and effort they've made to write a decent and honest review has been wasted and is unappreciated.
People have expressed their frustration and, FWIW, I had this same conversation with AndyR quite awhile back.
For some of same reasons why I choose RVPR is why I look for campgrounds/Rv parks that enforce their own policies. More often than not those same establishments will be run at a higher level of excellence.
IMO, points can be made in a review without using certain language, people know how to read between the lines.