SuzzeeeQ2012 wrote:
from the BLM website
"The proposed project would use concentrating solar “power tower” technology to capture the sun’s heat to make steam, which would power traditional steam turbine generators.
The solar power facility would include a 653-foot tower which would be the receiver of energy reflected from solar fields. The solar fields are made up of heliostats, which are a collection of mirrors. The project would also include a thermal energy storage system."
and, from the article in the DM...
The company plans to construct a 653-foot tower surrounded by an array of mirrors. The mirrors would focus the sun’s rays on a point at the top of the tower
It would help a lot, then not look like "cherry picking" a subject, if you would include the Link/s to the article/s you are referring to in your posts. Most of us are good at reading and drawing conslusions, as well.
You mention how this would impact you and mention camping. How does this impact you and others? Will it be a sight issue? Will it create focused heat in an area, such as acres and acres of asphalt and rooftops do? We have windmills popping up from California, through Kansas to the shores of Martha Vineyards and they create impacts to the local residents, wildlife and view corridors, but they are considered good Enviroment as they produce clean power for homes and business. Will this do the same? Just as using Corn for ethanol is better for the enviroment in that it creates jobs, lessens the need for outside oil, but takes massive water for producing this product. Same goes for Paper Bags in the amount of processing, water useage as opposed to plastic bags and the by products from that.
So, my question comes back; how does it impact you? (I mean this in the collective, you. The rest of us.) If not here? Where?