dedmiston wrote:
Reader1 wrote:
:) I always enjoy reading about other RVers trips so here is ours. We took an 11 day vacation beginning at Black Water State Park, WV. Then we spent a few days in Shenandoah National Park, then a few days in Northern Pa in the Alleghany National Forest at a beautiful ANF campground, Willow Bay, then finished at Cooks Forest State Park. We Love CFSP but pet sites are limited and not in the best part of the campground. We no longer have a pet but there are always many sites where pets cannot go, sad. During the trip we saw 3 black bears, 1 bob cat, and multiple deer from the truck. There were bear where we hiked but they stayed away. We heard and smelled their musty smell. We hiked 8 mountain hikes totaling 40+ miles. We love hiking and I was proud that we did it all. Not bad for a couple of old people. We are so blessed to have Nat'l, State Parks and National Forests in this country.
I didn't mean to hijack your thread with an emoji discussion.
This trip sounds fantastic. This is such a great time of the year to travel.
Many years ago our kids used to get a week off every October for Fall Break. Every year it was the same week, the last week that National Parks were open. We were there for closing day/night at various parks over the years and they even locked the gate behind us at Mesa Verde NP as we pulled out in our little popup.
After traveling this same time of year for so long, we started joking that "it's only us, the geezers, and The Germans" (sorry to use that word, but we were young).
All these years later, our kids are grown and it's just the two of us traveling, and somehow "us" and "the geezers" morphed together into one and the same.
No problem at all. I guess we could be considered National Park, State Park and National Forest junkies. We have traveled throughout the country to visit these parks. We always had to visit during the summer until my retirement. I was a teacher then an elementary school principal. Now we normally travel in September. We would like to take another trip in October. My fingers are crossed. :)