troubledwaters wrote:
SDcampowneroperator wrote:
GS rates to very specific criteria. Each of the 3 #s are specific to a 1 -1/2 or 0 point with each category possibly adding up to 10 in each. If you walked the camp like the acct. reps do each year with the criteria they use, your Rating would likely match theirs...
So a guy can walk around a campground for a couple of hours and tell you what your experience is going to be like if you camp there for 2 weeks. Fat Chance.
No, a guy walks around for a couple of hours and sees if the park has a pool, what the surface of the roads are composed of, if there is fencing around the property, if there is a sign at the entrance, how many toilets there are compared to the number of sites, whether or not there is an attendant in the office etc. etc. etc. Fat chance that even an idiot could mess that up. Good Sam publishes the checklist and ratings criteria. Maybe people should do a little research BEFORE they start belittling the ratings.
I am not a huge fan of the system myself, but it is accurate for what it measures, much of which really has little correlation to what people will experience.