westernrvparkowner wrote:
Dog Folks wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
...... the site would start to lose value to people who want to know what the actual park is like.
Here's a new flash for you. It already has lost value with many of us!
And just what alternative to do suggest? Rvparkreviews.com apparently has taken the position that they want to primarily review the park, not the park employees or the park policies. Something akin to wanting a restaurant review to be about the food, not the attitude of the valet parker.
If this is the type of site they want to have, more power to them It is their site, their rules, just like your parks. It does not mean that I have to agree or believe what is there without question. I do not and will no longer contribute to it. That is my right. There are more people that feel this way everyday.
If the attitude of the valet somehow changes my experience of the restaurant, both good or bad, it should be in their review. Just as if the ambiance was bad or the place was dirty.
I do not wish to be condemned or accused of favoritism, but there is a new review site(which will remain nameless) just starting up that addresses this problem.