Wow!! You probably already know this, but the third picture from the bottom (right before Grizzly Falls) is an "angular unconformity," which is a really fascinating geological formation. If you're interested in geology, I recommend googling that word. If not, I will spare you the exciting discussion of why this is so significant.
I have driven the road to Cedar Grove many times but have never spotted that particular geological formation. That's probably because I'm too focused on driving. Congratulations for pulling over and actually looking around.
By any chance, would you remember where along the road you saw that formation? I'm hoping that the next time we go to Kings Canyon, I can stop and examine this formation more carefully.
I'm guessing that this was not far before Boyden Cavern, where the highway crosses the river. Grizzly Falls is on the north or left side of the road as you are heading toward Cedar Grove, but (judging by the lighting) it looks like that picture of the angular unconformity is on the right side of the road as you were driving in a generally eastward direction.
Thanks in advance for your guidance!