2oldman wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
I don't know who wrote the imaginary rule about no slides at Wallyworld. ..You can always ask the manager of the store your at.
Escapees wrote imaginary rules about being a respectful WM camper.
The couple of times I've asked a manager, they appeared irritated that I would bother them with this stuff. So, I just show up, find where other RVs are, and call it good. If I have any questions at all, I'll find the security patrol. That's their job, not the manager's.
This is a well-known 'Suggestion' not a 'Rule' recommended by the RV industry, in general. It is not a sole 'Escapees' thing. It's recommended by FMCA, Tiffin and many others. It's just common etiquette for using someone else's parking lot.
WalMart Parking Etiquette RecommendationsAlso, on WalMarts own site this is their recommendation on asking first before you park.
WalMart's Stance on Asking to Park