v10superduty wrote:
4. They want VALUE for their money. And it makes little sense to pay $35 to $45 Dollars to stay 9 or 10 hours especially when you dont want all the so called Amenities and dubious ambiance of an RV Park.
5. All of the above
When I see 4 empty RV parks in one town like Whitehorse and the Wal Mart parking lot FULL it certainly leads one to believe that RV park Owners are just not responding to the needs of their customers. I can't believe that the person in the Million Dollar MH and the rest of them were all just concerned about the cost (vs the value).
My guess is if RV park owners want to reduce this trend they need to give a hard look at what they do and how they do it and how they come across to the public (their customers).
But really what RV Park can give you faster WiFi than McDonalds and an entire shopping center at your doorstep?
Say what you want about the million dollar MH owners and the rest BUT my opinion is that it all come down to the deal... "free parking"
From what you suggest that most RVers want; it seems to me the only way an RV park owner could attract those folks is to buy an empty lot, (preferably next to Walmart) pave it, offer free overnight parking.
He will make a fortune..
I think you are misrepresenting my point a bit. I firmly believe that this is a VALUE decision not simply a Price or Free issue. I think it's widely accepted that decisions like these are based on multiple factors not just one.
And frankly I am amazed at how some feel it necessary to jump to the defense of the poor downtrodden businessman known as the RV Park Owner. I think just as any business should be able to do they can fend for themselves and move with the times. Many have yet to install WiFi that is much better than Dial-up. That just isnt going to hack it in the future...or even now.
And I am willing to bet that some of the Wal Mart decisions are partially based on the fact that FAST WiFi is readily available.
Further this discussion almost never takes place or gets as emotional when it comes to parking in Casino Lots for Free or Cabelas. It seems to be a Wal Mart-Centric issue.