greenrvgreen wrote:
I agree witht the direction of 4x4's thinking (dunno if he wants me doing that). While many or most RV park reviews will criticize the park as if it WERE a resort, it's just not realistic to expect that much from an RV park.
If you look at all the money spent on RV equipment (MH's, etc), it's clear that there is a lot of money in the industry. OTOH, that's pretty much where the money stops. While I've never even seen a $100,000 RV at a Walmart (including the day I parked my TT there to shop), the Urban Legend of the million-dollar MH camping for free at Walmarts continues. To me this says that most RVers will spend as much as they can on hardware and then economize on the very experiences they bought the stuff for in the first place (presumably).
I cant see why I would mind you agreeing with me. I welcome agreement and disagreement actually. And you make some interesting points.
But I firmly believe the WM, Casino, Cabelas parking for free is much much more about CONVENIENCE than it is about the money. Oh the money factors in for sure...but on a Value for dollar/time consideration.
Adding into this the fact that some RV parks are their own worst enemies when it comes to making what should be a simple easy process of check-in into a time consuming waste and their lack of understanding of basic customer service habits also weighs into the decision for many to forgo the pleasure of an RV park stay.
But the thing that amuses me and makes me shake my head in wonder is those that get so riled up over this issue and post very virulent screeds about those of us who use the WM option. It's almost like discussing Religion or Politics.