Forum Discussion

Buckleup's avatar
Jan 13, 2014

Snakes and other things to look out for

A question for those of you that winter in mid to lower Texas. We will be traveling with our 2 dogs and are wondering about poisonous snakes and other critters that can hurt humans and dogs. Any info will help.
  • We've lived in Missouri and know that you have just about the same critters as Texas. Just use common sense and you'll be fine. We have never seen 'bad' critters in Texas in the winter. Not to say they're not out there. Just don't let your dogs run loose. However, the ants can be annoying!
  • Meant to mention to watch out for coyotes if they are smaller dogs. They used to carry off the neighbors small dogs and cats when I lived in Arizona. Isn't nature wonderful?!!
  • Be sure to carry some Benadryl to administer if they should happen to get bit. My beagles used to get bit by moccasins and copperheads when I lived in Oklahoma and they usually just swell badly around the throat area and have a hard time swallowing anything including water. Corals and rattlers might be a bit more harmful but dogs rarely die from snake bites but they do get pretty ill and the Benadryl will help until you can get them to a vet. Not sure what size dogs you have but just use common sense on the dosage since that is not on the directions as to how much to give dogs!
  • Never seen any in Texas in the winter time. It gets cold enough overnight that they MOSTLY stay under cover but don't go for a walk in a sugar cane field.
  • Your chances of encountering poisonous snakes in south Texas are about the same as encountering them in Missouri.

    Protect your dogs the same as you would in your home area.
  • We have all 4 basic poisonous snakes in Texas - rattlesnake, copperhead, water moccasin and coral snake. Most snakes tend to avoid areas continuously occupied by humans. The water moccasin is most likely to be in the water's edge habitats close to active areas however. We have both poisonous spiders - black widow and brown recluse. They tend to be in shrubs anywhere but are fairly rare. We do not have the two poisonous lizards - gila monster and beaded lizard. Yes, alligators do eat dogs and other small mammals along the Texas coast and lower Rio Grande river.
  • There is also a couple of other things... coral snake, black widow spider, brown recluse spider, and last but not least is the frightening, legendary Chupacabra.

    Also if you camp near a canal or fresh water..we do have alligators also.