You really don't need to spend 3 days at Devils Tower, maybe overnight if you want to catch the early morning light for photography. But the Tower itself is an hour or so to walk around the it, there is a prairie dog town that you may want to visit, I think that's near the cg and that's about it. The site isn't that large. There is a very pricey KOA right outside the gate and there is a National Grassland which I assume has camping not too far away.
Little Big Horn is about the same, 3 or 4 hours if you take your time. I actually enjoyed it more than I expected but there is a drive thru the battleground, the sites where soldiers were killed are marked, and there are some presentations and Ranger walks. And that's all.
I'd add Badlands to my list and slot a couple of hours for Wall Drugs for some maximum tourista kirsch. The Minuteman site isn't work the time since they dropped the silo tours. Custer SP is worth a day or two by itself and there are two national caves in the area. And lastly there is a Mammoth Dig site just to the south. And of course Rushmore which I find underwhelming.