goducks10 wrote:
If the reserver doesn't show they lose all their camp fees. Why should they have an additional fee charged?
Because, apparently that isn't enough of a deterrent for people who repeatedly book and don't show. Adding a penalty may have them decide that their money is better spent on reservations they actually plan on keeping.
goducks10 wrote:
Just so someone else can have the spot?
Absolutely. Why should everyone else be denied the use of the campsite because of one selfish person.
goducks10 wrote:
And how would anyone know that someone didn't show up for the spot they wanted?
Most all campgrounds with policies regarding no shows allow for walk ins. So someone traveling through, or a local willing to drive out, can see that the site is unoccupied and have a place to stay.
In addition, you can call the ranger station and ask if there is any last minute opening for the campground.
goducks10 wrote:
Most all the spots I camp at in Oregon state that if you don't show by the checkout time the next day you forfeit the site. So one days wasted. Then what process would have to be in place for someone to get that spot?
The reason for this rule is because otherwise people would book the site from Wednesday the 1st thru Wednesday the 15th and only use it for the two Friday thru Sundays. Leaving the site locked up for the weekdays. So folks who want to camp Monday the 6th thru Friday the 10th can't get a campsite even though there's one sitting unused the entire time.
As for what process for someone to get that spot, there are three:
1. Again, folks can drive up on the chance that there was a no show or last minute cancellation;
2. Call the ranger station and ask;
3. In most cases, that site is re-released online starting on the 3rd (2nd day after the no show). So for that fourteen day reservation, the campsite is available for online reservations for the 3rd thru the 15th.
And yes, I have done just that. Had a campground book up solid months in advance and then had a site come available two days prior to my time off. So I was able to go camping after all.