I am the O.P. for this thread. After being run out of town on a self righteous rail, I'm surprised that cooler heads prevailed in the end and how far a field this thread wandered. I have not been back in the four months since I posted this. For the record, I could buy and sell this place, and have no monetary woes. We leave no trace, except on dirt, in which case it's tire tracks. This drops me from the, 'poor white trash', or 'hippy' list intimated by some posters. I am of the live and let live school and wish no one harm. I can offer my guide to a great life:
"Find out what you can do well, like to do, and do it." All the rest is fluff.
Semantic differences and a wide splay of personal paradigm seem to be the hot button position of many here.
After thinking about our (Jean, my queen, and myself) traveling style, it has been further codified into a game of, 'take it as it comes', where a ALL options about where to stay over night are on the table. This leads me to a link of our boondocking trip of last week to Death Valley. We didn't know where we were to stay until we got there. Warning: some of these images may lead to palpatation or a raised pulse.
Have a nice day. We certainly had a nice week in Death Valley.