One of Tioga George's recommendations was to:
1. During daylight hours, select a place to stay overnight.
2. For supper, find a municipal park that has tables suitable for a tiny backpacking style stove and make your meal meanwhile enjoying the surroundings. This can be a very creative culinary time. Most parks have a time-certain closing, which is usually 8 to 10 p.m. Pack up leaving your refuse in the appropriate container. There is no crush, as you may find in a commercial RV park; no noise, save the exuberance of children playing and small groups having an outing. We've done this a few times for supper and find it very soothing to the soul. We've also done this a lot for luncheons. This can be a magical stop on your journey.
3. Return to your already selected *********** location and quickly enter your domicile for the night.
Compare this with the effort of finding an overnight parking place in the city that would allow a truck camper, since most high end city hotels have a very low entrance clearance. Yes, we have a separate overnight bag ready for our stay at the Hotel. We just may have to park a block or two away. We love this absolute dichotomy of travel style.
Is the person, if any, below staying overnight here? If so, how can you tell?

You can tell by the level attitude of the camper, but that's about it. Nothing hanging on the outside; no lawn furniture out; no signs of habitation.
Except what's going on inside: beef and fish tacos with all the trimmings:

I know, I know, it doesn't hurt having a masterful and creative chef as a soulmate.