Off topic, but FWIW:
Naio wrote:
Someone stole my ex650, cut through the padlock after trying to cut the chain. It was nearly a year ago and it still hurts when I think of it. I hope yours is still purring along happily.
Rats ... that's unbelievable and very sad!! It's very difficult to find a replacement EX650, too.
Our EX650 is still going strong whenever I'm industrious enough to get it out of the rear storage bay. Lately I often just fire up the built-in, or use the worst choice of all - idle the main engine awhile to top up the coach batteries. (I also have an EX1000 in almost new condition that I use around our property to power electric tools.)
Your DIY van RV reminds me of our first RV before kids, which was a Dodge van we bought new and installed windows, cabinets, a combination couch/pull-out bed, an auxiliary fuel tank, a porta-potty, and an early design inverter in ... all this way back in the 70's. That good old B250 Dodge van with it's 318 V8 got 17-18 miles to the gallon on the open road and probably had a 900-1000 mile range from it's two fuel tanks.
I also drove the van for years commuting to/from work. When commuting in the Dodge van I even used to pack along the EX650 "just in case". Once I left the van's lights on and found a dead starting battery in it when coming out from work after dark and tired. I got out the that little Honda and boosted the starting battery enough to fire up the 318 and make it home - we didn't have ERS back then.