garyhaupt wrote:
LenSatic wrote:
BoonHauler wrote:
Gary, it's still considered a 4x4 even though you have dually's (6 tires on the ground).
6x6's are three axle vehicles that all three axles have power to them ....
Isn't it Wheels x Drive-axles? So a dually would be 6x4 and an Army 6x6 has 6 wheels and 6 drive-axles.

No, I was wrong. It's the number of axle-ends (left/right) times the number that are driven. So an Army Deuce and a Half with 10 wheels was still a 6x6. So, your dually would still be a 4x4. The number of wheels is irrelevant. (Made me go back to the books, er, uh, Google.) ;)