The Texan wrote:
Well, we are now ensconced in our RV site at Glencoe. The folks we have met are great and the entertainment along "booby row" should be very interesting, looking at private pictures from past events. The sites are large and the area is well maintained. Anyone else in the area who wants to visit, we are in site G-29.
Had to laugh when I saw an old post telling me to calm down when I commented about how little silliness in tolerated in the area during bike week. To many folks, who only know of all the media hype, attending bike week is about as dangerous as heading into an outlaw biker clubhouse and saying, "I'm not sure what the big deal is? you look like a bunch of sissies to me?" Not much different that announcing to the neighbors that we are heading to Alaska. The next line is often, "you know that road is little more than dirt trail? Hopefully you make it".
Have a great time. Try not to laugh at all the weekend warriors dressed as pirates, and enjoy the beauty of the hills.