Well, it is over with and what a show. First, the one who said the gangs don't fly their colors was very wrong, they ALL fly them and just stay away from each other during the rally. The Hells Angels were very prominent on main street in their colors along with a couple other outlaw clubs.
The trouble spot for law enforcement is The Buffalo Chip and they have a large contingent of plain clothes there 24/7. Yes, they were also here in Glencoe, but not the numbers that were at the Chip. They are looking for drugs, human trafficking and serious felony crimes, so tend to turn a blind eye to the revelry that stays inside the CG.
There are 2 very different sections here in Glencoe, the dry camping around the parade road and the RV sites. The noise and nudity were very prevalent in the dry camping areas and the RV sites were much quieter and limited nudity. The bars are everywhere and they have $1 beer for happy hour daily. The entertainment was more heavy rock and the senior rockers but was well received. Yes, there are some folks who undress when they come through the gates and don't get dressed again until they leave. The 3 miles into town can be a nightmare during some hours, but if you know the alternate routes, you can get around without spending to many hours stuck on the road....
We will be returning next year, as we had a ball and everyone we met could not have been nicer. Had a great time.