Everything can be done online now....and yes, it's safe.
Do you really believe that? :B
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who had their return checks stolen, unable to file future taxes because their identity was stolen and the IRS takes the side of the hacker before the actual taxpayer for years before it is all sorted out. You consider that safe?
Yes there is risk in anything but when it comes to your whole financial worth and identity? And when the risk factor is derived from actual incidence is made public?
Well when 'EVERY single year' IRS reports numbers as high and higher of 500,000 tax payers doing taxes on line LOOSE their identities, loose their return checks, can't file their taxes and it takes years trying to get it straightened out with the IRS? Just watch and listen to the interviews with 'actual' tax payers that this has happened to them. You might think twice.
I choose not to become one of those 500,000 online tax payers.