GregToni wrote:
It's here!!! After 51 1/2 continuous years in the work force, of which the last 45 were with the same company the day has arrived to RETIRE!! My exit interview is at 1:00 this afternoon and then I am FREE to do what I want, with my Dear Wife's permission of course! We are looking forward to starting our 1st (retired) road trip with our Travelin Gnome Jack (as in Hit the Road Jack).
Hope to meet some of you along the way. Headed to Yuma AZ via Carlsbad Caverns and Tucson.
As you travel through that section of the country - see if Canyon de Chelly might fit for a couple of nights - we have always driven out of the way to stop there , just special IMHO.
Carlsbad - always carry a flashlight/wear jacket and talk to the Park Rangers - they will on occasion give you a great personal tour if you are friendly.
Best of Luck,