Yes, I know most will say you should not do this... but I never learned the meaning of NO. Originally I did not have room for 8 batteries or the money.:B Also, I only recently found the long narrow ones that would fit in the back.
#1. They are all AMG with close to the same amp/hour rating.
#2. 24 hours after fully charging and then separating they all have the same
voltage of 12.75 to 12.8. While holding hands, I doubt one knows the
difference as long as all have the same voltage and capacity.
#3. Each year after testing, if one tests below 12.6-.7 I'll probably replace it with a new battery.
I may split this into two banks as my 2000W inver/charger takes too long to charge this large a system. Having another charger could cut my generator time in half. If I split it I'll put a high amp diode between the two and run the new charger off my block heater outlet.
Maybe this should be another discussion in another post.