Duck wrote:
To the original poster: how long did it take the water to go down? We can get a lot of rain here in Florida but in a several hours it will be gone or close to gone.
I was at Topsail during the spring 2014 flood. It only took a day after it stopped raining, for the water to go down from over the road around Pompas Loop. But there was standing water in the low areas after two weeks. Water was flowing from the tent site area across Pampas Grass Blvd, down Weeping Willow for probably 5 or 6 days. This is what rutted the road out in that area of the park. They brought in some gravel to cover all the mud. Made it difficult to ride your bike down Weeping Willow.
After a week you still had to go through standing water over ankle deep in three or four places to get to the beach on Baytree Lane (the road to the beach access). You just needed to watch out as you may see a snake swim through too.