JDMopar wrote:
My wife & I have a permanent park model in MBTP. When I retire, and spend a lot more time there....I'm going to offer a level and setup service for people that use the MBTP storage drag and drop. I'm pretty sure it is park policy, and not the guys who drive the trucks. They are just following orders, and they move a BUNCH of trailers in and out every day. Tippy Toe and Coast RV do a good job, but sometimes I cringe when I see one come in or out with those 2, due to tires looking about flat. Both have storage lots up on Hwy 90, and run up 22 to get there. Maybe the tires don't get hot enough in that short a distance, but it makes me wonder how many go BOOM!
That is exactly what I am worried about, how well someone elses' property is treated. I know that they say that tire psi gets checked and trailer gets washed, but is it really done? These units are an investment, so you would really hate to see it get abused. Once you sign, you relieve them of anything that may happen. I am still not 100% sold on it.