SteveAE wrote:
This from the US Forest service page for the Grande Ronde Lake Campground in Oregon:
"2014 Camping and Day-use Fees Single family campsite = $10
Multiple family campsite = $18
Extra vehicle at campsite = $5
Day-use Parking = $4/vehicle
For visitors with an Interagency Senior, Interagency Access, Golden Age or Golden Access pass the fees are: Single family campsite= $5
Day-use parking = $2/vehicle
A separate day-use fee may be required for users who park at the Grande Ronde Lake Day-use site near the lake."
Please note the last sentence!
The last sentence agrees exactly with what I have been saying. The separate day use fee is for those who park at the day use site. There is no day use fee in addition to the campsite fee for those that camp in this campground. As I noted above, some places do charge a day use fee for campers who use a day use facility outside of the campground. Thank you for confirming my statement.