My husband and I hikes to The Wave in May, 2006 when we were both still young whippersnappers (61 and 57). Your winter temps would be better than the heat we had, but your daylight hours would be shorter.
As mentioned, this is mostly an unmarked trail. People don't always find it the first time, including the Ranger we talked to the day before our hike. We did get there, but you really do have to pay attention to the maps and landmarks info they give you. We had a handheld GPS with the various way points and co-ordinates we'd gotten from a number of sources. But you frequently can't go in a straight line from point to point. That's where the landmarks and directions come into play.
Even though we're from Florida, the hardest part for us was the sand dune shortly before you reach The Wave. It felt like we slid back two steps for every three we took up. Coming back down it was much easier.
It was well-worth the effort and we'd love to do it again if we ever have the chance.
Safe travels.