profdant139 wrote:
Some Youtube videos really benefit from high speed viewing. But in my subjective opinion, most of the material posted by FirstTracks should be viewed at normal speed -- his point is usually not just to convey information but to give the viewer a sense of what it is like to visit the locations he is filming.
Also, even though I do not like to see or hear drones when I am in the wilderness, I have to admit that I like watching his drone footage!
Dan, I agree w/you on drone noise. I also don't care for drones because they mean that there are other campers around in the area ... thus ruining any allusion that we're out there by ourselves. I guess drones beat the old method of having to ride in an even louder chopper with one's camera, though.
I wish he would add in more info on the actual campsite access and camping issues, such as: How rough the route was to get there, how the water, batteries, furnace, the A/C, and other appliances performed, etc.. I guess maybe that's the engineer in me wishing for more detail on "the mechanics of his RV'ing".