Magicbus: And you can do that at home? Avoid all human contact?
We interface with one couple (our neighbor) around a campfire 6 times over the last 7 (on edit) months. We interface with no one grocery, and pharmacy shopping. Home delivery (dropped on the driveway), and curb-side pick-up (deposited on sidewalk outside the grocery store) only. We have elected not to go near a dentist, till a "vaccine" is well distributed. No doctor's appointments, no hospital visits, ZERO family visits. No visits from anyone into our house. We left the winter tires on over summer. I do the oil changes myself. I dropped our rig off at our indoor marina storage -the hangar door (the place is as big as 7 Walmart super-centeres) was open, my parking spot numbered, I backed in, disconnected batteries, put the keys on the dashboard, and walked out the door to my wife waiting in the SUV, then home. No human beings in the hangar. All pre-paid by Internet.
The number one rule in a global catastrophe (say a thermonuclear war, global pandemic, alien invasion (LOL) ) is:
don't move; stay home.. I could write a 400+ page book on why this strategy is the only strategy. Hundreds of reasons. But one of the top reasons is: .....when you break shelter in a major wide-spread catastrophe/war/pandemic, your chances of a close encounter is exponentially higher than staying put. I am not saying that "our" chances of close contact with potential infection is absolutely zero locally, but we know our surroundings exceedingly well, know how, how far, and when to "go out" to minimize risk. You give all that up when you have to travel thousands of miles across, what I would call metaphorically, a 2000 mile mine field.
Our strategy going forward will be: ....wait till wide-spread and proven vaccines are deployed, re-evaluate the epidemiological situation across our "travel route", then, if favorable,
follow our prescribed route rigidly to our snowbird destination (RVing to the condo). However, we aren't naïve enough to believe that sars-cov-2 will disappear magically, by say, next November or even 2023; but we, even with widely deployed vaccine, will continue to mask, stay socially distanced from all shopping genres, and maintain zero individuals (but for our flu-buddies next door) in our social circle perhaps for another several years. Yeah, sounds harsh, but what'r'ya'gonna do. We are in a high risk age group.