Forum Discussion

Spade_Cooley's avatar
Jul 27, 2020

Wanted, Snowbird park in Big Bend area.

We are usually either in Rockport of Galveston but want to give the Mission Texas area a try this year. Hopefully things will open up. My wife loves games, dancing, ballroom and line, socials, etc. We also like good eating out nearby. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • Yes, but I wouldn't want to spend the whole winter there
  • pawatt wrote:
    Big Bend area is very cold due to higher elevation, not pleasant in Dec., Jan. and Feb.

    Parts are very high, others not so much. February is actually a great month to visit Big Bend before the Spring Breakers descend upon the park
  • You must be thinking of the Rio Grande Valley, nearly 500 parks and back to back activities and music normally but it is currently a Covid 19 Hot Spot. If the virus don't subside group activities will be shut down. Our clubhouse is currently locked and we are under stay at home orders with curfews and mask orders.
  • Big Bend area is very cold due to higher elevation, not pleasant in Dec., Jan. and Feb.
  • I sure would not be making any deinite plans gor this winter season. Would you like to be at a crowded pot luck surrounded by other seniors . Would you eat food ptrpared by others? I think you eill find that if the cg's are open there will be few community events.