You mentioned this is your 1st summer full-time. I strongly suggest you look into RESALE campground membership such as coast-to-coast (C2C), resort parks international (RPI) or adventures outdoor resorts (AOR). Again, let me stress a resale. A Google search will find a number of companies that specialize in resale. You want to own a home park with minimum entry fee and minimum yearly maintenance fee. You don’t plan to stay at your home park, the intent is the purchase a cheap home park which allows you access to the whole network of other parks in the network. I personally like RPI best of the 3, but some people like chocolate and some people like vanilla ice cream. Most of the membership parks are members of 2 or more of the same network so which one you choose does not matter much.
A number of years ago I purchased a resale at Breckenridge Lake RV Campground 395 Oak Park Circle, Crossville, TN 38572 For about $400 with an annual maintenance fee of about $50. The RPI annual membership was about $100.
I did a quick look at Washington state and there are 39 different campgrounds which are members or associated with coast-to-coast where you can camp for $10 a night. In addition there are about 40 campgrounds where you can camp at reduced rates.
Thus, you can spend 2 weeks in one campground and move to a different campground for 2 weeks to your hearts content.
If you search in the full-time form you will probably find more information than you wanted on campground membership.