Forum Discussion

MRC54's avatar
Jan 26, 2021

Washington State Campgrounds

We're trying to find an extended stay (month or two) campground in Washington state. We are set for June in the southwest, but would like stay thru July or August somewhere else before heading to Montana and Wyoming.

I know it's a broad topic, but checking if anybody has some favorites.

  • You mentioned this is your 1st summer full-time. I strongly suggest you look into RESALE campground membership such as coast-to-coast (C2C), resort parks international (RPI) or adventures outdoor resorts (AOR). Again, let me stress a resale. A Google search will find a number of companies that specialize in resale. You want to own a home park with minimum entry fee and minimum yearly maintenance fee. You don’t plan to stay at your home park, the intent is the purchase a cheap home park which allows you access to the whole network of other parks in the network. I personally like RPI best of the 3, but some people like chocolate and some people like vanilla ice cream. Most of the membership parks are members of 2 or more of the same network so which one you choose does not matter much.

    A number of years ago I purchased a resale at Breckenridge Lake RV Campground 395 Oak Park Circle, Crossville, TN 38572 For about $400 with an annual maintenance fee of about $50. The RPI annual membership was about $100.

    I did a quick look at Washington state and there are 39 different campgrounds which are members or associated with coast-to-coast where you can camp for $10 a night. In addition there are about 40 campgrounds where you can camp at reduced rates.

    Thus, you can spend 2 weeks in one campground and move to a different campground for 2 weeks to your hearts content.

    If you search in the full-time form you will probably find more information than you wanted on campground membership.
  • Thanks for the park suggestions. Ideally, would like FHU, and to be settled for a month or so. A friend suggested Cranberry RV Park in Long Beach, and that's the only way we found our June stay.
  • To expand your visit, I would be looking at some of the national parks for a week or so.
    Olympic Peninsula has several federal campgrounds
    North Cascades Highway 20 has some national forest.
    Washington state parks get expensive
    What type of services do you want?
  • I am completely flexible. 1st summer full-timing, we're in Long Beach, WA for June and eventually heading to Wyoming. Almost anywhere that might have reasonable monthly rates (I know how difficult that is).