If you're thinking of going south to Florida next winter, you might want to start booking sites in the locations you want now. The parks fill up fast...
As full time RV'ers, our coach is our home, and we spend 3-4 months each winter in Georgia, Florida, and this year North Carolina in the early spring. Since we favor state and national parks, our stays are limited to usually 14 days, with a few very popular parks limited to 10 days. Each park we visit usually has various activities available if we choose to participate. There are morning coffee hours at some parks, and most have various ranger presentations about the park and the area that can be very interesting. A number of state/national parks have a nature center on site, some quite good, while others not so much, but with free entry, they're worth checking out. Throw in the usual routine cleaning and maintenance items that RV'ing entails, and we always have enough to do, while still finding quiet times when we just want to sit around and read or watch the TV programs we enjoy.