profdant139 wrote:
Dave, I take it that this was the Glacier National Park that still has glaciers -- the one to the south has very few, anymore.
By the way, are those larch trees in the background?? Last year in the Lake Louise area, we were very surprised (and confused) to see "evergreen" conifers turning gold and yellow -- at first, we thought the trees were dying, until someone took pity on our ignorance:

There are 2 questions here:
1)There are still glaciers in Glacier National Park situated in BC. Refer to the National Park website.


2)These yellow trees you mentioned near where we are camped are probably deciduous poplar trees as this is the interior wet belt.
The Larch trees in your Lake Louise shot are either Western Larch or Alpine Larch depending on the elevation. As you ascend to Sentinal Pass, the Larch that you see would be Alpine Larch which growns at higher elevations(9000')and of course are smaller than the Western Larch.
As always Dan, your photos are spectacular.