I have stayed at several hundred campgrounds since starting this hobby decades ago. I have seen countless examples of government run parks where the claimed "maximum vehicle length" was absurd. I have talked to a ranger in a state park where the "handicap accessible" site we were assigned was literally the top of a small gravel lump with steep slopes in all directions, while the next block over there were dozens of flat, paved, unoccupied sites. He apologized, and said that the parks dept. and Reserve America seem determined to make sure that the good sites in this park stay empty since all of them were "to short" for much of anything but a pop-up. I have seen sites in Fl. state parks that were big enough to put a nice house, drive and yard in, and show as "28'max" online. The one thing that I have never seen, read about, or even heard of as an issue is EVER having a host, or employee, head out to the driveway to measure a rig. Had it happen when boarding a ferry, but in the real world an RV is as long as you say it is.
Finally, claiming that somebody is "lying" and might be turned away, over a few inches is a bit of drama.