My first, last and only, experience with that KOA goes back to mid-November '04, We pulled in there, it was pouring rain, colder than all get out. The woman at the desk acted like she was doing us a favor waiting on us. You can imagine the line in mid November, waiting to get to this craphole. After charging for a extra car, telling us all kinds of junk, we were given a reminded me of an old outdoor theater converted. There was one other TT in there - and this dummy at the desk put us right next to the only other camper!! Well guess what, the bathhouse was closed, along with their toilets............what a crappy place. We spent the night and swore we would never go back and would put nothing but bad words on it..........done!! Tool bad someone with an interest in camping don't come in and buy the joint, fix it up the way it should be, and the campers would gladly come. Safe travels.