As I mentioned above we went to the Bechler entrance this year in July. The road was still in awful condition, 10 miles of washboard and potholes. But the falls are spectacular, the campground was about half full and the skeeters are still there at night and mornings. Cave Falls USFS cg is right on Falls river. The river is wide and covered with rapids at the cg. But I think this area is on our do not return list because of the road in. If you are hikers this is a spot you want to visit, once anyway.

I've wanted to visit this entrance for years. And last year we we at the entrance to the Ashton Tate road starting at the Flagg Ranch there is a small one ranger station out in the parking lot and I asked about the Bechler entrance station and was told that it had been closed for several years. The rangers at Bechler were surprised to hear this....heh