kedanie wrote:
So, what are you going to Yellowstone for, hang out in the campground or see and experience the park? If it's the first, then perhaps one of the commercial campgrounds outside the park will do. If it's the second, then staying inside the park should be seriously considered.
There are many campgrounds in the park and one that has full hook ups, Fishing Bridge. They are all more than acceptable as a home base for experiencing the park. You won't spend much time there as there is so much to do and see.
There are plenty of services inside the park. Fuel and limited groceries are there if it isn't convenient to make a run out of the park. Fishing Bridge has pay showers and laundry.
It's your choice, pay more and drive more while staying outside the park or get more of the national park experience staying inside. What you really miss staying outside are the evening ranger programs, wildlife viewing at sunset and on and on.
We won't be going to YNP for a few years but I have been reading up a bit on all the options. RE: Fishing Bridge, a few posters have mentioned that there are pay showers. Since it's a FHU park wouldn't you just use the one in your own trailer? Or am I missing something?