20 Years ago today I joined the forum
It was on December 3, 2003 I was getting into what turned out to be a total rebuild of a rotten old 1981 Citation TT. I was struggling to remove the toilet flange from the floor and tried searching the internet for a solution. I came across RV.Net and joined, posting the question of how to remove it. Somebody answered that it threads out of the black tank. So I got a drift and a hammer, and yes indeed it was threaded in. I have the entire rebuild documented on a website I put up. Used to be a link in my sig on RV.Net, but that went away when we became GS. I'd like to find out if I am allowed to post a link here, as it is non commercial, and the sole reason I put it up was to help others do major repairs.
It's been a fun ride for 20 years, although I have not participated as much in recent years. Mainly due to some bickering and negativity amongst a small handful of regulars. OK, so I politely stepped back. I do, however, attend the site almost daily, but that too has fallen off with the transition to the new forum. I find it confusing, a challenge to find anything and difficult to navigate. I guess one day I'll get the hang of it. Practice practice...
Gosh, 20 years on an RV forum!
I will say this though. It has been a genuine pleasure throughout the years, I have learned a lot, and contributed back a lot. With my construction background, familiarity of RV construction and more, I have been able to answer a lot of questions posed here, many of them the same old newbie queries. Hey, we were all greenhorn newbies at one time!
Further to that, I have met a number of members in person and enjoyed the interaction there. One in particular has developed into a fantastic long term friendship where we get together as 2 couples for dinners and such, and remain in constant contact every day by text. I deeply appreciate this!π
So, to everyone who knows me from over the years, thank you for putting up with me! π
Here's to another 20 years of RV fun.π»π₯