I think there are so many new campers and so many videos on RVs on You tube, tic tocs, insta, FB, etc that people can find more thorough answers than asking question on a forum that's hard to navigate and/or sifting through responses to maybe find what you are looking for and understand it. If I were running things on GS, I would make a you tube forum and forget this concept.
It's like this forum is a book and it's much easier just to watch the movie. Sure there's some romance to actual interaction with other campers, but it doesn't make it easier and folks just aren't interested in that anymore.
I know I do it, pretty much most of the DIY stuff I do in my MH, my cars and around the house that I don't already know how to do, I can you tube it and find what I need quickly and can play certain sections over, freeze etc. The web page forum media is obsolete.