Here's an update and a new wrinkle in the story. I climbed up on the roof with all my tools and gunk cleaning spray. Popped the lid off and everything looked pretty good. There was a few dirty areas in the front (cold side). I cleaned them out the best I could. Everything in there was sealed and actually insulated pretty well. I figured I would be able to spot some efficiencies to be gained but not really without a ton of work. The scroll cage fan could use some cleaning but I wasn't sure how to do that without blowing all the **** into the ducts. Here's the wrinkle. I thought I had a 13.5btu but it appears to actually be a 15btu. The label says Duo-Therm Model 59516.531 Nom BTU: 15,000. I googled it and it does say that the model 59516 is the Brisk II 15,000 BTU A/C. Well... I think I'm just going to have to suffer this year and hopefully get a better spot in the Resort next year. Maybe with 50 amp power, or shade or sewer hooks or hopefully all 3!!
The A/C unit produces nice cold air, I know that not a quantitative statement but you put your hand up to the vents in the ceiling and it's blowing cold air. There just simply isn't enough to keep the camper cool. There really isn't much I can do with what I have to work with.