Desert Captain wrote:
SkiSmuggs wrote:
Desert Captain wrote:
I am in the same boat (RV?), as you. I need to add a DC outlet near our bed as I will be picking up my new Cpap from the VA this afternoon. I will then plug my 250 watt inverter into the DC outlet and the Cpap into that.
Captain, almost all CPAPs will run off 12V. It is less complicated and uses less battery as you eliminate the 30% inverter loss. I ordered my 12v cable from and it works great right into the 12v receptacle. My only problem is that I have to run a 12V extension cord from the BR TV cubbie. If you get one of those, get a NOCO as they have heavier wire. The first extension I got was a POS that my inverter (before I got the CPAP 12V cable) wouldn't run on for more than a few seconds.
I will have to look for the DC fuse panel, but I believe it is under the stove at the rear of the trailer and it would be a dog to run it that far. Seems like a small fuse/distribution panel directly off the battery might be a way to go, but just guessing.
I will still need a source of 12V power next to the bed regardless whether I use the 250 watt inverter (which does not lose anywhere near 30%), or order a DC power cord for the Cpap. I agree a small distribution panel fed directly off the house batteries will work just fine if that is easier to install just make sure it is sufficiently fused and fed by adequate gauge wire.
Look at some of my more recent posts for my solution to the 12v outlet at the bed. The draw from a CPAP using direct 12v is low enough that I have no concerns about tapping into the wires for the reading light, but I would be concerned using an inverter with that setup.