wildtoad wrote:
So what do you plan to do with they grey water? If you plan to just let it run to ground, where do you plan to do this?
My intention would be to use a gray water hookup if it's available, and at least have the option to catch the gray water separately so I don't have to do a black water dump.
jplante4 wrote:
I've been to campground where the tenters wash themselves and their dishes in the community sink that dumps directly onto the ground. I've also seen people brushing their teeth at the water spigot and spitting toothpaste onto the ground. I don't think a little shower effluent is going to do more harm that that. Of course, most campgrounds prohibit these activities and an open hose spewing water would probably attract attention.
As a previous tent camper, I would do this all the time if there was no dish washing station provided. That said, the amount of gray water I would generate this way was pretty limited. I wouldn't want to do this with my gray water from my camper.
jplante4 wrote:
However, water is your best friend when it comes to keeping the black tank from plugging up. If you're having capacity problems, I'd consider a waste tote instead.
That's good to know. It's no so much that I have a capacity problem, but more that I have a single tank, and if there are gray water facilities at my campsite, I'd want to take advantage of them, and I don't want to chance cross contamination. 90% of the time my blac kwater tank would be empty so why wait in line to dump?