Thanks everyone for the comments, it has been a while since I took on a project of this size. It wasn't that the overall project was large just all the ins and outs of getting it done. I tend to (as with this project) to do things on the fly, even with plans I'm more likely to make it up as I go along. The only things, I think, that did not change from when I decided to pull the trigger on the project and the mostly completed one I have now is the location of the solar panels, using the existing solar prewire in the ceiling and soldering every connection. Probably the hardest part was drilling the holes, I don't mind small ones inside for various upgrades but the small pilot holes in the roof for the bracket screws still bother me. I keep thinking maybe 2 or 3 more tubes of dicor might help me to feel better lol.
finsruskw- I understand not wanting to upset the location of the coffee pot lol. There seems to be a fair amount of wiring behind that panel in the cabinet, I pulled the slide switch, radio, and bottom monitor panel to try and get better access when I was looking for the lost white wire, there are only a few small holes so it was difficult to see. I ended up using a small pic with a curved end to "gently" dig around until I found what I was looking for. I was tempted to remove the panel, I hate unused space on a camper but found what I was looking for before that desire got the best of me. Probably would have added another week to the project lol. You can contact Lance and they should be able to tell you exactly where they are on the year you have so you know how much demolition has to be done to get to it.
As far as cost I'm going to have to go back and do some refiguring before I have a final cost. I had ordered quite a few extra parts I thought I would need that I didn't use, mounting brackets, connectors etc. My original estimate I had in my head (at least the one I gave to the wife, she handles the savings) was $1000 give or take. The controller and meter were the largest expense but I think in the long run I'll be happy I went in the direction I did. I think I was able to stay in that range ;)