Trying to take bike and a trike at the same time does present a challenge.
After looking at all the options and not wanting to have 2 bike racks and having them stick way out in the rear.
I opted to get a Swagman 4 bike rack from Camping World

That way I could have the bike on first then the Trike on last with the arms going thru the frame
][IMG]" height=300>That way it is close to the RV and up high enough to allow me to go thru bumps and driveways with out dragging them on the pavement.
][IMG]" height=360>And it looks like this from the rear
][IMG]" height=360> ][IMG]" height=360>I also use a anti wobble device like Tardis does so it all rides nice and tight.
On Edit. I use a cross bar on the Woman's bike to make it ride level, it makes it so much easier to load and carry.