On a few Winnebagos I have looked at the 600 watt "Entertainment Inverter" is wired in down stream from the Circuit Breaker panel, there's a pass thru relay switch (at or in the inverter) for 120v coming from the breaker panel, to the inverter which is install in the cabinet where the TV is,
Breaker panel ~ inverter with passthrough ~ outlets for TV & DVD VHS etc.
For you to add a 2000w, will mean putting it close to the batteries, then for automatic service you need an additional new transfer switch between the inverter and breaker panel, and add a sub panel,
Or Manually
you plug your shore power cord into the inverter,(50amp to 15amp adapter)
I turn off breakers for things that should not be using inverter power like the converter), I installed a power transfer switch between the inverter and shore cord, but no sub panel , before I turn on the inverter , I turn off the breakers for the converter and for the A/C, my fridge is set to LP and stays there unless I run out, so my whole RV all outlets all breakers get power from the 2000 watt pure sinewave inverter, it will power the MW , that's good and bad, it lets me use a soldering gun/iron, or my vacuum cleaner, green machine, box fan, A/C blower fan, or anything else I might decide to use, instead of waiting for the the next day and the generator, basically anything that will plug into the MH duplex outlets, I do use it for short bursts Microwave reheat at night after the generator is turned off, it does make a bacon snack real quick, it also means more recharge runtime, burn more fuel the next day for battery recharge, but 30 seconds to warm up my half full coffee cup, or cook a few strips of Bacon, really isn't much Drain, my real power Drain when on inverter is from watching a streaming movie late at night
My main inverter use is Entertainment TV, laptop, T-Mobile home internet gateway, sometimes a Heat Pad for my back, a table fan I use in the bedroom, I have used it, with a 12v battery charger to start somebody's vehicle, even powered my Husky single tank 120v portable Air compressor, even my 120v impact wrench to change a tire, even powered my 12v charger to recharge there motorcycle battery for my scooter brought the battery inside connected the charger and let it recharge while watching a movie and using my laptop à, there are advantages to whole house inverter power, as long as you are good at monitoring your battery drain, I did the Manually plugin routine for a while, but prefer the auto switch over method, it's really nice to Not go out in the rain or cold to gas up a generator or move the shore cord because utility power was lost during the night, or the generator is out of gas, and I want something hot to drink or reheat some food, or make my favorite hot snack ... Bacon with Cheese melted on top