JaxDad wrote:
Carb Cleaner wrote:
Certification, from who?
Without being a member of RVIA you would have to obtain certification from an independant company like QAI or one the handful of other companies qualified to do the work.
RVIA is a self-certification by the manufacturer, stating that they met the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard for Recreational Vehicles. The RVIA performs "surprise" inspections to verify compliance. They're private Asscociations, not Government Agencies. It seems ridiculous to require the little oval sticker for staying in a COE site. Simply because you aren't a member of RVIA and can't get a sticker, doesn't mean your rig isn't as safe, or safer, than RVIA standards. How many people use space heaters in their rig that aren't UL listed? Does anybody check space heaters? Is every repair ever performed on a RV required to have a stamp of certification? I'm not saying it isn't true, because I haven't researched the laws involved, I'm just saying it's silly. I do, however, understand the COE wanting to have the
illusion that your neighbors' rigs are safe. Regardless of the laws and motives, it's baloney.
The RVIA, much like the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, is a money interest and they really don't give a rat's pituty about your safety.
The QAI seems largely applicable to food preparation safety. I'm not sure what they have to do with other systems in an RV. I didn't delve, very far.